Lorae and I are happy to announce the arrival of Reiss Elizabeth Heffner. She was born at 7:58 a.m. on July 2, weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz and measuring 21 inches long. Lorae did a fantastic job again, and a happy and healthy mom and baby were discharged on July 3. We came home to a very excited big sister. As you can see from one of the photos, Harper thinks being a big sister is a lot of fun. We were fortunate to have my parents up for a few days after the new arrival, which was a huge help in easing the transition to being a family of four.
Since this email is so tardy, I can report that everyone has continued to do well over the last two weeks. Reiss gained a pound by her two week check-up, one of my co-workers said she was amazed to see Lorae out-and-about only a couple of days after having a baby, and Harper's good moments have far outnumbered her bad ones. Harper has heard a lot of versions of "don't do that" over the last two weeks, but for a 22 month old, she's been great.
We hope to have the chance to introduce you to Reiss in person soon, and we'll try to keep you updated with pictures of our new girl as she grows. To our Woodberry Forest friends, thanks for all of the support and generosity you've shown us - I don't think we've had to worry about dinner since we've been home and we can't tell you how much we appreciate it. And to our friends and family near and far, thanks for your well wishes and love.
Fondly, Hunt, Lorae, Harper and Reiss
Our new family...minus Watson.
Taking one last shot before our induction on July 2nd. Luckily, Reiss decided to come on her own!
4 months ago