Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Harper's Introduction to Wrightsville Beach

Needless to say, Harper loved the beach. Maybe she just loved having the full attention of mom and dad for a week straight.

We finally got Harper to get up close and personal with the sand. We just did not expect it to be with her face.
Harper braves walking in the sand. She is getting really confident with this walking thing.

Ann Carter getting down and sandy with Harper. She is the first one to get Harper to explore the sand between her toes.
Ann Carter and Harper just lounging, listening to the waves.
Ann Carter and Harper looking for seashells, actually Harper was probably trying to eat them.
Our little crabbie! This is what happened before Ann Carter helped her explore the sand. The texture was just not right...
How can you not love this? These moments do not last long so you cherish them when they happen.
Just plain tuckered.
Looking at the world through rose colored glasses.
"Dad, I just need to lay my head down for a minute. "
"What is this?"
Harper and Poppa
Playing in the water on the sound.
Our furry little tugboat...he loves the water.
The whole family.
Harper and Kat
Even though she didn't like the sand, she loved the waves.
Harper and her dad picking the perfect wave to ride.
I guess they found the perfect one. Look at those legs!
What a pair!

Me and my girl.
Anyone remember the timeout scene in Ace Ventura 1?
Man, are we in trouble or what?
How do they get this cute?
Maille Rose and Harper were instant friends.
Maille had lots to teach Harper.
How cute is this little belly! (ok, maybe it's not that little.) Goofing off with her dad. Gee, where does she get it? Hmmmmm.
Harper and her suntan lotion styling. Here she comes...Ed Grimley.
Harper enjoying some playtime on the beach towel.

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