Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thanksgiving in California

This November Harper and I embarked on a very brave venture...a trip to California without Dad. It proved to be totally exhausting but fun for all! We were able to visit with lots of family and had loads of little adventures.

We went to a local Fullerton park with Uncle Robbie.
Harper discovered that she loved, loved, loved going down the big girl slides.

Rockin' old school style-she wanted to be so close that she wasn't even in the seat.

Uncle Rory's airplane...I don't know who is going to be more tired, the uncles or Harper.

Harper got more free rides on this trips than a little girl could ask for...
The train came through and we taught Harper how to "CHOO CHOO"
Some dinnertime love from mom and Uncle Rory.
Helping grandma-grandma blow out her candles...
Giving loads of birthday hugs.
Harper chatting up with Grandma-Grandma, so much to say and so little time.

Uncle Rory took us to the Long Beach Aquarium and we saw my favorite (and soon to be Harper's) animals - SEA OTTERS. How could you not love them?! Look how cute they are!

The aquarium at this age proved to be a little overwhelming but we now say the word "fish" (aka "pish") so I feel like it did serve a purpose.

Uncle Rory getting as many hugs and cuddles in as possible. It is hard to catch this one for a picture because she is on the move in a flash.

Harper yelling/barking back at the seals...

Uncle Robbie with the girls.
Although we have had an amazing sleeper for most of Harper's 16 months, we did have some sleep struggles while traveling. Most nights Harper would collapse in her travel crib but would soon wake up and after about the 5th time of getting her back in her crib-I would give up and bring her to my king. When I would wake up and see this, how can could I resist? This gives us hope that when she transistions to a big girl bed that we will have no problems.

Thanksgiving day (sans Robbie-he was in Riverside with our dads side of family)

Harper "the lovebug"!
Four generations again...9 months after our first picture.
November 2009

March 2009Uncle robbie giving Harper a ride to Fashion Island for lunch and some shopping.

Christmas trees in California and we can wear short sleeves and sunglasses...we like how they do it! (We are currently still unearthing from our 20 inches of snow that was dropped the week before Christmas.)

Harper and I having our "Mommy and me" moment...there is nothing like the feeling of having those little eyes on you. Melts me everytime.

Harper wanted to jump into the fountain, she was yelling at it...

We spent the day in Riverside with Grandpa Larry and Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary made our fav's tacos, mexican rice and had mexican bread waiting. Dad even brought some fresh tamales for his east coast girls-YEAH!

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