Monday, October 26, 2009

Carter's Mountain Apple Festival

This time of year is great for taking in tons of local VA flavors. Thanks to my friend Erin, we knew about Carter's Mountain Apple Festival in Charlottesville, VA. We took a great Sunday afternoon (and our 6th wedding anniversary) to check it out.

Harper and her dad discussing pumpkin size and what we really needed.
"But, I like this one...!"
We all ended up settling for a Apple Spice Donut so tasty!
We wanted Harper to be able to pick her own apple from the tippy top.
She found one down low on this tree.

So proud of our new apple.

Our small little apple booty...

Oktoberfest in Virginia

Every week on our way to the little gym we pass through a little town called Ruckersville. Who knew that this Halloween season that they would have one of the best attractions around? Harper and I went on a road trip one afternoon with Sarah and Sophia Sydnor to Ruckersville Oktoberfest and we had a BLAST. Harper loved all their mums - they had a rainbow of colors.
Sarah and I thought it would be so cute to have pictures of the girls in a little red wagon...
...Little did we know that this would last about 2 seconds.
Instead, we thought we would just plop them down but the pumpkins were too exciting to contain Sophia...Harper however was content on eating a rock-teething at its finest.
"Look at all the choices, and they are all my size. "
Oktoberfest had great balloons... Harper loved the slide.
Look, arms up and everything. She is ready for rollercoasters.
Best of all she loved the small bouncer...
She ran and ran and did not want to stop.
I could not help cute is it.
Our little pony girl...
Harper's first Hayride.
Harper wanted to try this one but it was too steep for me.
Giving kisses to Mr. Jack-o-Lantern.
Tunnels of hay!

Welcome back Woodberry boys, I mean men!

This is long overdue but this year to help welcome the boys back to campus they rented some fun activity ballons for the boys to have some fun...well, look who had some fun. Hunt and Raph Sydnor...

All smiles when they first got in...they were ready!Hunt's advantage- long reach with huge gloves to help.
I think Hunt may have knocked his block off...

No, not quite...look at Raph bringin' the red thunder down!

So, my mom is under the weather today and needed a Harper fix so here it is.

This weekend we ran into some friends who said that they kept putting on their children's Halloween costumes to practice for the real thing...this made me worry. Would we or could we have a child that would boycott Halloween? We all remember the little bear that we had last year...

So we tried our costume on and this is what we got. We are hoping for no issues come Halloween. Pls excuse our singing (and the horribly grainy video) but who doesn't love the Itsy Bisty Spider-especially one in her lifesaver pajamas.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our hardest check up yet...12 months

We had our 12 month check up and we knew that this visit would be different...mainly because of how aware Harper would be. She seemed pretty excited to be there, then again who wouldn't love all the sweet, loving nurses and doctors (we even brought them party favors from Harper's party!). We think that she was a little misled because there were no shots at our 9 month visit, so she thought this was another height and weight check.
"Voila...Check me out-don't I look great!"

Look at this belly, we have been working on this.

We never have a still moment...there is so much to see and do.
"What's next....?"
Every visit we get a new book and this visit we picked out "Where does it park".
Planes, trains and automobiles - here we come.
Look at our nice sweet nurse, they all hate being the one to do it....
....but somebody has to do it.

The good thing is that Harper has always handled her visits and ends up being such a trooper.

Grandparents of all kinds descend...

With Harper's first birthday, we had some guests who were dying to share in our celebration. My mom, dad and grandmother flew in just in time for Harper's party. There were so many things that Harper was dying to show how she can ride/drive a car at the grocery store.
Nonnie loving every second!

Grandpa Larry trying to sneak in smooches...
"Look I can walk the dog and push my scooter all at once!"
"I prefer only using one hand. "
"I can run now too!" (Oh yeah, I never put the leash down! We are always ready for a walk.)
"Look at my favorite's tupperware now stays constantly organized, especially since I tear up this cabinet every three hours!"
It's bed time and now Harper has mastered giving night time mouth, naturally!
Night Night Grandpa!
"Now, I am off!"
We had so much fun with Grandma Grandma...she showed us how to count our piggies!

She kept Watson abreast the world happenings...
And she got plenty of time for cuddles with Watson...
And Harper too!
What a great visit!