Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Grandparents of all kinds descend...

With Harper's first birthday, we had some guests who were dying to share in our celebration. My mom, dad and grandmother flew in just in time for Harper's party. There were so many things that Harper was dying to show them...like how she can ride/drive a car at the grocery store.
Nonnie loving every second!

Grandpa Larry trying to sneak in smooches...
"Look I can walk the dog and push my scooter all at once!"
"I prefer only using one hand. "
"I can run now too!" (Oh yeah, I never put the leash down! We are always ready for a walk.)
"Look at my favorite spot...mom's tupperware now stays constantly organized, especially since I tear up this cabinet every three hours!"
It's bed time and now Harper has mastered giving night time kisses...open mouth, naturally!
Night Night Grandpa!
"Now, I am off!"
We had so much fun with Grandma Grandma...she showed us how to count our piggies!

She kept Watson abreast the world happenings...
And she got plenty of time for cuddles with Watson...
And Harper too!
What a great visit!

1 comment:

Em said...

Oh gosh! I love the kissing photos! I'm so glad Watson got some extra lovin' too! :-)