Saturday, June 12, 2010

Woodberry Graduation 2010

This year's Woodberry graduation was a little different than last year for us. This being our 2nd year at Woodberry, we were closer with fellow faculty and staff and we also had time to develop some unique and close ties with some of the young men graduating. It is hard to describe how it happens but you see them daily, they interact you, come to you for advice or humor and entertain, watch out for and love your children and they quickly become family. It was and will be hard to watch these boys move on but we know that they will be doing great things with their futures and are proud to know that we have been part of their time at Woodberry Forest. (Please also know that the young men pictured below are not meant to be singled out but merely are the ones who we were able to catch photos with on graduation day.)

Maddie Keating (a fellow Woodberry daughter) took this great picture of Harper on the lawn before graduation began.

Harper sharing her applause for young men recieving their diplomas.

Eleanor Williams and Lee Robinson sharing some bonding time with Harper.
Another Maddie Keating shot-we may have a future photographer on our hands!
Harper and one of her favorites this year, Elliot Brewer. We heard Elliot's name so much this year we wondered if we were going to have to name Harpers sister Elliot to give it new meaning. Harper still has not registered that Elliot will be at Carolina next year instead of Woodberry Forest but we will really have to address that this coming fall.

As I told Harper, we needed to say our goodbyes...Aramide will be playing football for UCLA and even though we have many USC alum in my family-we will be cheering him on from Virginia!
The Heffners and the Hemmings. Funny side note: As most of you know, when you are pregnant it is sometimes not always the most fun getting dressed and on this morning I went through about 3 outfit changes and finally I decided on this oldie but goodie I have loved since I first bought it. I have worn it not pregnant and pregnant and still love it. On this day I put it on at the last minute before we were supposed to leave, not having a moment to change my mind...Harper took one look at me and said "Mommy, wearin' balloons!" Out of the mouth of babes, right!

Harper will miss her games of hide-n-seek with Ade while he attends and plays football for Brown next year.

Ed or "Eddie" as Harper calls him, was the first to bring tears to our eyes. He loved our girl more than anyone. Ed will be making us proud playing football for Stanford next year.

Hatcher always brought smiles to Harpers face and we hope that like Elliot he will not be a stranger to us since he will be down the road at UNC-CH. We are so excited that we did not have to say goodbye yet to Hatcher since he will be returning to Woodberry Forest to help with sports camp and hopefully meet baby girl #2.

As a mother who is trying so hard to raise a child who has empathy, honor, intelligence, determination, humor and many other things-I cannot imagine the pride that overwhelms you at moments like graduation when you see all your hardwork come to fruition. We feel blessed to have been a part of the journey and kuddos to you for raising wonderful young men.

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